temperature in al baha Now 15 °C

About Us

Al-Baha is distinguished with the beauty of its captivating nature and pleasant ‎climate. It is one of the Kingdom's prime tourist, visitor and vacationer ‎destinations. It contains breathtaking forests, parks and waterfalls. Al-Baha is ‎distinguished with the beauty of its captivating nature and pleasant climate. It ‎is one of the Kingdom's prime tourist, visitor and vacationer destinations. It ‎contains breathtaking forests, parks and waterfalls. Al-Baha is distinguished ‎with the beauty of its captivating nature and pleasant climate. It is one of the ‎Kingdom's prime tourist, visitor and vacationer destinations. It contains ‎breathtaking forests, parks and waterfalls. Al-Baha is distinguished with the ‎beauty of its captivating nature and pleasant climate. It is one of the Kingdom's ‎prime tourist, visitor and vacationer destinations. It contains breathtaking ‎forests, parks and waterfalls.‎

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