About the Open Data:
The open data is public digital information placed in the public domain freely under liberal terms of use with minimal restrictions through a national open data platform, and can be used or shared by any individual or public or private entity.
Objective of Open Data:
- Enabling individuals to gain a better understanding of how the municipality operates by providing access to open data;
- Enhancing transparency by providing access to open data to beneficiaries;
- Encouraging innovation and economic growth by leveraging of data by the institutions and individuals to create new value-added services;
- Encouraging and promoting scientific research by conducting research and studies based on published information and statistics; and
- Creating a favorable environment for business growth.
Principles of Open Data:
- Open by default: This principle ensures that the data of public entities are in the public domain by disclosing, enabling access or usage of such data, unless their nature requires not to be disclosed or protecting their privacy or confidentiality;
- Accessible and Usable: The data is made available in a machine-readable format to be processed automatically so that it is saved in commonly used file formats such as: CSV, XLS, JSON or XML;
- Timely: The latest version of the open data sets is published on a regular basis and made available to all as soon as they are available. Also, data collected by public entities are published as quickly as possible once collected, whenever possible. Priority is given to data that is less useful over time.
- Comprehensiveness: Open datasets should be as comprehensive and detailed as possible, and reflect recorded data in compliance with the personal data protection policy. Metadata that illustrates and explains the raw data should also be included, with explanations or equations that illustrate how the data is extracted or calculated;
- Non-discrimination: Datasets should be made available to all without discrimination and without the need for registration. Any person can have access to published open data at any time without the need for identity verification or any other supporting documents;
- Free of charge: Open data should be made available to all free of charge;
- Licensing of open data in the Kingdom: Open data is subject to a license determining the legal basis for the use of open data as well as the conditions, obligations and restrictions imposed on the user. The use of open data also signifies acceptance of the license terms;
- Developing the governance model and engaging everyone: Open data enables everyone's access and engagement, enhances the transparency and accountability of public actors, and supports decision-making and service delivery; and
- Comprehensive development and innovation: Actors play an effective role in promoting the reuse of open data and providing the necessary supporting resources and expertise. Actors must work in integration between stakeholders to enable the next generation of innovators in the field of open data and involve individuals, institutions and everyone in general in tapping the potentials of open data.
البيانات المفتوحة
سياسة البيانات المفتوحة